APG will select ten women apprentices to receive a $1,000 Würth tool voucher

As part of its commitment to supporting the longevity of the industry, Auto Parts Group (APG) says it is proud to announce its latest industry support initiative focused on supporting the women of our industry.
APG will award ten female apprentices in the collision repair industry each with a $1,000 tool voucher redeemable for Würth tools.
To be a success in the collision repair industry requires focus and dedication to the craft. It can also be expensive, as owning your own tools can be difficult when you are just starting your career.
Unfortunately, women have historically been underrepresented in the industry, and APG says it wants to play its role supporting the next generation of women apprentices.
“At APG we want to see female apprentice numbers grow within the industry; that’s why we decided to support this initiative,” Auto Parts Group Chief Executive Officer, James Knox, said.
“Anything we can do to make life easier for repairers and contribute to the sustainability of our industry is important to the team at APG.
“APG is proud to support women in collision.”
To enter, APG are asking repairers to nominate their apprentices by simply providing a creative 25-word statement showcasing the apprentice’s passion, commitment, and vision for the collision repair industry as a female apprentice.
APG will select ten apprentices based on these submissions to receive a $1,000 Würth tool voucher. Submissions close on the 20th of August, 2023.
To nominate, visit www.autopartsgroup.com.au/women-in-collision