Steering, Suspension and Alignment: it is much more than a smooth ride

An accurate and early diagnosis of a potential issue can help keep your customers safe and save them money.
“Excessive tyre wear, poor steering control or an off-centre steering wheel are all signs that your customer’s vehicle may have steering or suspension issues,” Carline Automotive General Manager, Brad Gilliland, said.
“Several items can affect steering and ride control, and our skilled automotive technicians are trained to quickly identify these faults to bring them to our customers’ attention.”
A properly maintained steering and suspension system is critical as it provides optimal ride comfort and maximises handling performance.
“Even if used in normal road conditions, every vehicle will eventually experience reduced vehicle stability and driver control because of the wear and tear on shocks, struts, and springs,” Brad said.
“Regular suspension and steering services can help your customers avoid premature tyre wear and expensive repairs.”
When it comes to absorbing bumps, many vehicle owners are under the impression that their shock absorbers take care of everything, but they are only half right.
“Coil or leaf springs handle most of a vehicle’s ride compliance, while shock-absorbers manage the rebound of the springs, and it is the combination of which help keep your vehicle under control,” Brad said.
Symptoms of worn shocks, struts and springs include excessive bouncing over road bumps,
loss of control during sudden stops, excessive swerving while changing lanes, front-end nose-diving during hard braking, and vehicle sag in the front or rear.
Steering is directly affected by suspension performance and is impacted further by accurate wheel alignment.
“It’s important to complete a wheel alignment when major suspension components are replaced,” Brad said.
“If you notice unusual or irregular wear patterns on your customers’ tyres, recommending a wheel alignment is a relatively inexpensive procedure.
“It could save them a lot in terms of longer tyre life, better fuel economy, and safer handling.”
Carline has its origins in the USA as part of Tenneco Automotive. Following its success in the states, Carline was launched in Australia in the early 1990s.
Over the last 30-plus years, Carline says it has endured and grown, cementing its position as “one of the best-established and well-respected brands in automotive repairs and maintenance.”
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