Ford PX Ranger Turbocharger over-speeding causes and solutions

The PX Ford Ranger 3.2L has cemented itself as one of the most popular dual-cab 4x4s on the market. Ford Rangers are sturdy cars, but their owners still have to deal with Ford Ranger turbo problems. It is not uncommon to see the original turbo has serious damage on the compressor wheel and compressor housing because of turbo over-speeding.
Turbochargers can operate at speeds in excess of 6,000 revs per second (360,000 rpm), with exhaust gases around 800°C.
Over-speeding is when the turbo rotates at a greater speed than its operational limits and can push the turbo beyond its safe operating parameters, causing it to fail by damaging the turbine or compressor wheels and bearings.
If the turbo continues to over-speed, it can over-boost the engine, resulting in serious damage to the internal components and potentially complete engine failure.
What causes over-speeding?
• A restriction in the air intake filter or pipe work, or a split or detached air hose, allowing incorrect amounts of air into the turbo;
• A ‘chipped’ or ‘overfuelled’ engine that isn’t to standard specification;
• Worn injectors;
• Loss of signal to the electronic actuator/stepper motor for the wastegate or VNT control.
How to prevent turbo failure due to over-speeding?
• Check there are no restrictions or leaks in the air intake pipe work;
• Ensure the wastegate or VNT linkage is operating freely;
• Check the electronic sensors and ECU are operating correctly.
Turbo Pros supply both genuine Garrett and aftermarket turbocharger replacement if your Ford Ranger suffers these problems.
For more information call 0477 877 111 or email sales@turbopros.com.au