Capricorn’s whole reason for existing is to help its Members build stronger businesses

In our cooperative’s 50 years of operation, that vision has never changed. We might have changed the way we say it, we might have expanded our range of Members, but the truth of it hasn’t changed.
It is something I’m really passionate about, which is why I’ve been personally so heavily involved with Australia’s peak body for cooperatives like ours, the Business Council of Cooperatives and Mutuals (BCCM), and its predecessor organisations, over the years.
Late in October, Capricorn’s Chief Experience Office Jacky Mills and I presented at the BCCM’s Leaders Summit, which this year was held in Perth.
It brought together executives and directors from the C-suites of cooperatives and mutuals across Australia, so we could share ideas, network, and discuss best practice initiatives and policies. A hugely diverse range of sectors were in attendance, all of them with a mission just like Capricorn’s.
I was present at the founding of BCCM more than a decade ago, so it was a nice opportunity for me to say thank you and bid farewell to an organisation that is doing so much to make cooperatives stronger, including being our collective voice to government.
Our 50 Years Strong celebrations also continue, with new Member, Supplier and employee stories being posted regularly to
It was great to see Members and Suppliers celebrating together at the NSW Gala and I look forward to seeing more Members and Suppliers celebrating at the Galas in the coming weeks.
David Fraser,
Group CEO – Capricorn Society Ltd
For more on Capricorn Society membership, visit