Aeroklas Fitment Centres service the light commercial vehicle industry

Aeroklas Fitment Centres are part of the Aeroklas Asia Pacific Group, an international manufacturer and distributor of automotive aftermarket accessories and home to a range of other automotive businesses such as TJM and Tough Dog.
Aeroklas Fitment Centres are dedicated to servicing the light commercial vehicle industry by offering complete vehicle fit outs for dealers, fleets and individuals, along with tailored solutions for specific applications.
As such, Aeroklas Fitment Centers says, “when you’re looking to gear up your next work horse, we’ve got you covered.”
It says you can think of Aeroklas Fitment Centres as your primary destination for vehicle components, accessories, and their placement on your vehicle or fleet.
With over 27,500m2 of warehousing nationally and more than $34M spent on distribution upgrades in the last 24 months, Aeroklas Fleet has a state-of-the-art distribution network that can service your business faster.
The fitment centres house a stable of recognisable automotive brands including Aeroklas, Flexiglass and Bocar.
These brands have roots stretching as far back as 1949 and bring together more than 150 years of aftermarket auto accessories innovation and experience.
Aeroklas Fitment Centres explains that these brands produce high-quality ute canopies, trays, suspension, and other automotive accessories.

For more information, visit www.aeroklasfitment.com.au