A collection of digital solutions for modern automotive workshops

The Repco Navigator Pro (NavPRO) offering seeks to assist workshops to streamline processes and be more efficient in the day-to-day operation of their businesses.
“From generic capability like online ordering and 24/7 access to pricing and inventory information, to more complex programs such as SmartQuote and Technical information solutions, there are multiple ways we can support workshops of all sizes in our industry with Repco NavPRO,” Repco Head of Online – Trade Channels and EV Catalogue, Zac Walker, said.
“Because our customers are time poor, our businesses have needed to become faster and more efficient. A lot of customers don’t wait for call backs on quotes, it needs to be done immediately, so quoting solutions like SmartQuote support workshops in this, not just through logbook services, but through repair and customised quoting as well.
“It is also important to have the right information at the right time too. For instance, understanding how to replace a damaged or faulty part on a product can require coding procedures or resets – where previously this information would be kept in manuals on a shelf, with Repco NavPRO it can all be at hand and specific to the vehicle you are working on.”
Repco is constantly updating and redeveloping its NavPRO solutions for the benefit of workshops.
“Our most recent development was our Quoting API set which works in conjunction with our SmartQuote program, allowing workshops to plug their websites into Repco NavPRO’s ‘brain’ and automatically generate logbook service quotes,” Zac said.
“While other websites can do this online now, the Repco API set does this inside our customer’s website rather than redirecting to an external marketplace, this means the customer journey stays within your business and website. Workshops don’t have to work out pricing, and can explain their service in their language to their customer.
“The key to this is that it uses SmartQuote as its brain, so all quotes are generated using exact pricing and products that are customised to each business – including brand preferences, product selections, labour rates and markups. This means a precise quote rather than an ‘estimation’ and ensures the job is bringing money into the workshop, rather than costs.
“It also allows for the quote to be rebuilt into the workshop’s Repco NavPRO login so there is no need to retype or quote again – with two clicks it goes from booking on your website to an invoice in the workshop management system.
“We are continuing to work to improve the system, and we are currently looking at better engagement with AI, and even smoother processes for our workshops and their customers.
“Repco has built all the award-winning solutions in house with a team of dedicated developers and local supporting partners, so we can maintain the best understanding of our customers’ needs.
“We regularly encourage our development teams to engage directly with our customer workshops and visit them on site, so that the team who design and build the system, know how it supports our customers to do business, and how it works in the real world.
“We do this because we know it is what makes our system so successful. The better we understand our customers and the challenges they face, the better we can build solutions specifically for them and those challenges.”
Zac said at the end of the day, equipment like Repco NavPRO is all about allowing workshops to enhance their service delivery.
“A survey conducted by the AAAA in 2018 showed customers want to deal with workshops digitally, but their number one reason for choosing a workshop is the people who run it,” Zac said.
“Repco NavPRO is the system that helps bridge that gap.”
To learn more about Repco NavPRO, visit