Universal kits to satisfy the majority of the Australian car parc

In 2018 Mantic Engineering (the R&D division of Clutch Industries) started a project to develop a universal clutch system aimed to solve two key requirements, firstly to reduce thousands of clutch SKUs into a couple of clutch SKUs and to decrease installation time for mechanics.
The Universal Clutch (UniClutch) only requires two clutch SKUs, one eight-inch and one 10-inch version to cover over 90 percent of the Australian passenger and light commercial car parc.
This is done through innovative and patented technology, which includes a removable spline, multi-fit flywheel mount, height adjustment system and radial dampening centre technology.
These technologies make it possible to supply workshops with a comprehensive clutch range without needing large space or capital investment for parts distributors.
The UniClutch system is a sealed system that does not require the flywheel as a friction surface. This means that unlike in a normal clutch installation job, the flywheel does not need to be removed and replaced or ground. Instead, the flywheel can remain on the vehicle and the UniClutch is then bolted directly to the OEM flywheel.
The UniClutch comes delivered to the mechanic pre-assembled, which means there’s no need to align the clutch discs as this is already done.
As the clutch system is sealed and pre-assembled, Clutch Industries says it tests every unit for all relevant specifications to 100 percent confirm the clutch will operate correctly.
It states no other clutch manufacturer has ever created a universal clutch system like this as the technology did not exist.
For more information, visit www.uniclutch.com